‘Panchayat Season 3’ dropped on Prime Video and not going to lie we’ve been waiting for this for a long time haven’t we been all? It seems the makers knew this all too well and they cashed in on our anticipation by making the most stale and boring season possible. The season offers nothing new and makes you wonder why this series isn’t airing on SAB TV instead of Prime Video when they have similar plots and nothing to add to the plot except more of the same.

Checkout the trailer of ‘Panchayat Season3’

‘Panchayat Season 3’ Review

We loved the first two seasons of the series and expected something similar in the third season but it seems that the makers took the audience for granted in this one and made a season to just cash in on a positive word of mouth. The characters this season have turned out to be more cartoonish repeating phrases that they have repeated 100 times over the first two seasons. Raghuvir Yadav and Neena Gupta are class performers but they can’t save this show because the writing gives them nothing to work with. It is the same lauki jokes again and nothing is entertaining about it.

Jeetendra Kumar has gained a reputation for being a likable actor but he needs to stop shouting in every dialogue. His unnecessary temper in every frame put us off every time he came into the frame. When a series usually goes into its third season, there has to be some kind of development in the characters but it seems like we have been watching the same stuff for four years now. When season 2 ended and the last bit happened, the emotional sequence between the characters, it was already clear that the showrunners were desperate to be accepted by giving a twist out of the blue. The third season is that desperation multiplied a hundred times.

If you’re a fan of the series, you might like it. If you need to relax at night and you’re not looking for anything related to filmmaking or storytelling and just a series without any series application of mind, you may watch this but we think you’ll still be bored by the end of it.


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