Netflix’s The Asunta Case tells the chilling true story of the murder of Asunta Basterra, a young Spanish girl with Chinese roots. The show follows the investigation that occurred after the girl’s adoptive parents reported her missing in 2013. The incident took place in the Galicia autonomous community in Spain, and eagle-eyed viewers have observed some real locations featured in the show. This makes one curious about where was The Asunta Case filmed. So here are the details of all the filming locations of the Spanish series.

Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain

The Asunta Case was majorly filmed in Santiago de Compostela, the capital of Galicia in Spain. Asunta Basterra and her adoptive parents used to live in the same city. She was the first Chinese child to be adopted in Santiago de Compostela and lived there until her murder. On September 22nd, 2013, Asunta’s dead body was found in the nearby municipality of Teo.

The Asunta Case Filming Locations

The production team chose to utilize real locations in and around Santiago de Compostela to film some important sequences of the minis-series. The city is also famous for its varying landscapes, from lush forests to historic architecture, which gave the crew a chance to shoot against diverse backdrops.

The city’s rich cultural heritage offers unique settings that add authenticity and depth to storytelling. Also, its narrow cobblestone streets, medieval buildings, and bustling squares enhance the narrative. The city’s favorable climate with mild temperatures and plenty of natural light helps in outdoor filming year-round.

Hence, Santiago de Compostela has also served as a filming location for other shows and films like The Skin I Live In, The Pride and the Passion, The Milky Way, Unauthorized Living, The Blood Spattered Bride, Exorcisms, Gun City, Footprints, the Path of Your Life, Game of Werewolves, and Strangers on the Earth.

Vigo, Galicia, Spain

A portion of The Asunta Case was also filmed in Vigo, a city in the Pontevedra province of Galicia autonomous community of Spain. The city is known for its bustling port, which is one of the busiest in the country and a hub for fishing and maritime activities. Vigo is also famous for its stunning natural landscapes, including pristine beaches, rugged coastline, and lush greenery.

The Asunta Case Filming Locations

The city is also home to various historical sites and museums that showcase its seafaring heritage. Additionally, it is famous for its vibrant cultural scene, with festivals, music, and traditional Galician cuisine. Vigo has earlier hosted the filming of shows and films like A Man of Action, A Private Affair, Mondays in the Sun, The Unit, Love Songs at Lolita’s Club, The Misfits Club, My Dearest Señorita, Vice and Virtue, The Boy and the Colt, The Carpenter’s pencil, Special Mission to Caracas, and The Chained.

Also Read: Filming Locations of Netflix’s Love, Divided


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