Antrhacite on Netflix is a story about a detective who goes looking for a cult in the mountains. The French mini-series is a thriller along the lines of a True Detective where the investigator’s emotional journey is at the storytelling’s core along with the plot points of the screenplay. The show’s central plot revolves around mass suicides connected to a cult that has its roots in the Alps. Since the series and its trailer came out, people have wondered if it is based on a true story. Let us find out.

Is Anthracite on Netflix based on a True Story?

No, Anthracite on Netflix is not based on a true story, however, the cult shown in the series and the crimes around the cult do resemble a certain cult in the Alps called Aumism. The plot of the show talks about crimes that took place in 1994 and in reality, there were reports of suicide-homicide at the order of the Solar Temple at the hub of the cult,

Aumism was a cult started by Gilbert Bourdin who spent time in the French Civil Services before going on a spiritual journey where he met his Guru Swami Sivananda Sarasvati in 1961 in Rishikesh, India. Aumism started on basic principles derived from Buddhism, Hinduism, and other religions. The name itself is based on the holy sound of Aum. Bourdin was given other titles too due to his journey of multiple religions.

Anthracite True Story

Bourdin started the holy city of  Mandarom Shambhasalem where a 33-meter statue of Bourdin was constructed. Controversy began when the Order of the Solar Temple suicides were linked to the place. In the mid-90s Television networks started criticizing cults and campaigns began against the group as a part of the Anti-cult movement in the 1990s. The statue was destroyed to the chagrin of the cult. The controversy deepened when a woman named Florence Roncaglia accused Bourdin of molesting her. He was arrested and died awaiting trial in 1998.

Applying anthracite too has significance in many religions. The significance of coal or anthracite is different for different religions. In Hinduism, coal has been associated with the goddess Kali, and applying coal signifies destruction and rebirth. It is meant for purification and the plot of the series has implications related to purification.

So after getting these details, do you think the show has its roots in the Aumism cult? Do let us know in your comments.

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