Netflix off late has been heavily criticized for its repetitive content and moving away from what it once was, a place that could show stuff that others could not. Files of the Unexplained is an extremely welcome reminder of what Netflix can do when it pushes its boundaries. The show features eight different stories of unexplained instances which range from ghost stories to UFO sightings to even missing people. Find out in our detailed review if the series is worth your time or not. Meanwhile, you can check out the trailer.

Files of the Unexplained on Netflix Review

Netflix has floundered a little, to be honest recently with the series and documentaries that are repetitive in nature, and the audience was longing for something like this. Yes, for geeks like us, these incidents might not be anything new and probably some of these incidents have been covered before by films and YouTubers but the freshness in filmmaking makes this one a worthy watch. You do not see repeated shots of CCTV footage which lead to nothing. There is a clear pacing to this show which works beautifully for the series.

The editing of the series has been done very crisply and the narrative and writing of the show is phenomenal. As a viewer, you get sucked into the world of these stories. Our favorite episode of the series is the Myrtles Plantation one where you know that the content is supernatural but it begins to look very real after a point. The Yuba County disappearance video too is very good. We do think that people will enjoy the UFO episode the most because of the narrations, but we are talking strictly from a filmmaking point of view.

Series Like Files of the Unexplained

An aspect of documentary filmmaking that really kills the fun of watching a documentary is when truth and narration take over the filmmaking. This series manages both expertly. The scene where Sara Woodruff appears in the mirror in the Myrtles Plantation has to go down as our favorite scene from the series. Do look out for it.

Is Files of the Unexplained Scary? Well, that depends on your tolerance of horror. For some, it could be scary but for us, it was more of an account of events coming from different perspectives. This is something we look forward to watching in all documentaries that we watch. The best thing about the documentary and its direction is that it does not seem forced. This was a problem with a recent documentary like the MH 370 documentary where everything just seemed like it was done for the documentary. The flow of events in this one is beautiful.

So, our verdict for this one is a must-watch. You do not want to miss this one if you are a fan of supernatural documentaries.

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