A good documentary can make your day and inspire you to do so much. This one has already made our week, month, year, everything. Madu is the story of a boy who went viral for his performance of Ballet on a rainy day after it was supported on social media by many celebrities. This story is about hope, it is about following a path, and it is about talent finding its way to recognition. Let’s just dive straight into our review of this documentary.

Madu on Disney+ Review

We are sure a section of the audience will be looking at this documentary and wanting to know more about his journey and his training, but that is not what this film is about. Madu is about the romance you can have with your dreams and how an art form like ballet can be a way of catharsis. In a world where social media often finds itself on the wrong end of critical analysis, this is a story of hope and where it can take you.

The series chronicles the journey of Madu from Nigeria to England. This journey isn’t just a physical journey but one that involves leaving everything behind for the pursuit of a bigger dream. The film actually starts from the point where many filmmakers might have decided to end a film where the Hero gets everything he desires. But this is more about him and how much he wants to follow this art of his.

Madu Review

Matthew Ogens, the director of the film, has been once nominated for the Academy Awards for his short, Audible and this might be the one which wins him the elusive Oscar. The visual storytelling of this film has to be the biggest catchphrase of this film. It has been shot magnificently and the editing of the film just takes you on a journey as fluid as Madu’s ballet.

Moments captured in the film particularly the ones with his parents and his family give the most authentic sense of where the kid comes from and how much the scholarship in England really means for him and his family. The narrations and the narrative as a whole worked beautifully for the documentary. There is really nothing that we would like to add to this, just go and watch this and spend the best two hours of your life.

Madu Viral Video

The video which went viral and shot Madu to absolute fame can be found here on this Facebook Page. The video was originally uploaded by his dance coach Daniel who started his Dance academy in Lagos, Nigeria. This video was then seen all over the world and covered from different corners. BBC Africa covered his journey in this interview where he talked about breaking stereotypes about how Ballet was considered only for girls.

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