A Gentleman in Moscow is the latest series on Paramount+ and it is based on the novel of the same name by Amor Towels. The novel is set during the much-talked-about Stalin era of Russia. The story is about a man who spends decades in a hotel room after being sentenced to house arrest. Many have been wondering about the real story of Count Alexander Rostov. Here we are to provide everything we know about the series and about Alexander Rostov.

Was Count Alexander Rostov a Real Person?

No, Count Alexander Rostov was not a real person and was a fictional creation by Amor Towels. The author of the Novel has described his inspiration for the novel as being hotels in Geneva where he would often see many residents being permanent guests at the hotel. The character is based at a time when after the October Revolution, there were house arrests being made to curtail the opposition. Count Alexander Rostov is one such character who is forced to stay in one room for 32 years.

The film is a well-made account of everything that Count Alexander Rostov has sacrificed during the time when many were made to stay in captivity. The time is considered as a dark time in the history of Russia and through the eyes of one person, the filmmaker has given a visual account of what the time would have been like. As of now, we have only seen the first episode, but those who have read the book would be aware that there is a lot more to the series that is yet to come for the series.

The narrative of the book was very interesting. The chapter numbers grew exponentially after the number of days or years of the arrest such as one day, two days, one year, eight years, sixteen years, and so on until the structure reversed and reduced from the point of release. Another aspect of the story is how the conversations of the characters progress. The character and his discussions end up being only around food and drinks because of how he is away from the world and everything going on. The world of the character is centered around Hotel Metropol.

Is Hotel Metropol a Real Hotel in Moscow?

Yes, Hotel Metropol is a real hotel in the center of Moscow. The construction of the Hotel started in 1899 and was completed in 1905. The hotel is currently owned by Russian millionaire Alexander Klyachin. During the Bolsheviks era, the hotel was also renamed for a while when it was called the Second House of the Soviets. This is when the hotel was nationalized.

Also Read: Filming Locations of A Gentleman in Moscow


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